You're cordially invited

We are so excited to share this group with all of Central Ohio! ICD patients are truly inspiring and on behalf of the Cardiovascular teams at OhioHealth, Ohio State, Mt. Carmel and Knox Community, we hope you can attend!


Please join us for a Holiday Gathering to celebrate YOU! Our providers, nurses, device reps, dietician and exercise physiologists volunteers who've put so much work into our inaugural year are honored to host you

Where: McConnell Heart Health Center

3773 Olentangy River Rd, Columbus, OH 43214

When: Tuesday, December 17th 5:30-7:30 pm


Central Ohio ICD Support Group


This support group is a collaborative effort of the electrophysiology teams and Device Clinics at OhioHealth, Ohio State, Mt. Carmel, Knox and Avita, alongside industry relationships with Abbott, Boston Scientific, and Medtronic

Our Mission

To provide an open, safe environment for patients, family members and care givers of those who have an ICD to come together to connect and learn from others about life with an ICD.

Where we meet

Meetings will be held quarterly, at rotating sites around Central Ohio to best serve the community. Your device clinic will have the most up to date information

Topics and education

We strive to provide topics relevant to what YOU want to hear. Speakers will be invited to discuss a variety of topics such as diet, exercise, medication, phycology of living with an ICD, and more. We will answer frequently asked questions and invite patients to share their stories.

Quick Facts


Join us! Sign up below


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